This is a bundle of the Five-Week AYP Deep Meditation Video Course in English by Tristan Dorling and the Five-Week AYP Samyama Video Course in English by Tristan Dorling and the 21-Day AYP Asana Course in English by Devrim Zahir. The price represents roughly a 30% saving on the price of the three courses bought separately.

Tristan Dorling

Tristan began the practice of yoga asana in 1985 at school when he was 16 years old. At the age of 19 he travelled to the Himalayas to live in a Mahayana Buddhist monastery. This was really his first introduction to the higher teachings and to the spiritual life. He had his first awakening experience a year later, after a meditation retreat in a Buddhist cave monastery in Thailand. He experienced the awakening of kundalini the following year, in 1991. Over the next 19 years he continued to study meditation and yoga and travelled to Nepal, Sri Lanka and especially India as often as possible. He continued to study and practice in various ashrams and monasteries.

He discovered Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) in 2005 and began the practices of Deep Meditation and Spinal Breathing Pranayama at that time. Over the next 5 years he experienced the opening of the crown chakra. He started teaching yoga and meditation in 2006. He now teaches on retreats and yoga teacher training courses, and specializes in the teaching of meditation, pranayama, kundalini and self-inquiry (jnana yoga).

Some of the most influential teachers in his life have been Ngawang Thapkhay Lama, Amritanandamayi (Amma), Ajhan Amaro, Ajahn Succito, Swami Sri Hans Raj Maharaj and Yogani. The yoga he teaches is integral, incorporating all eight limbs of yoga, as taught by Sri Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. His focus is as much about spiritual purification and self-realization, as about the physical aspects of yoga.

Devrim Zahir

Devrim first came to yoga in 1999 through Free Diving. Learning how to control the breath, with pranayama exercises, for longer dives soon lead him to yoga asanas and eventually to the other limbs of Yoga.

He was always fascinated by the yogic myths and colourful stories and as he lives in Thailand, he was always just a short step away from India where he received most of his formal yoga training.

He returned many times to India and completed his Teacher Training qualification at the Sivananada Ashram in Kerala, India in 2004. He has been teaching yoga since then.

AYP came into his life in 2006 and was a transformation for both his personal practice and his teaching style. Like most teachers, asana practice was his focus, however with AYP he slowly began to understand the connectivity of all other parts of yoga, leading to a much deeper, effective and efficient practice. He also shared his new found knowledge with his students and quickly discovered that they were really enjoying a more integrated style of teaching, so he has continued to teach AYP classes for the last 10 years.

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